How Do You Handle It?

Do you feel that you are thriving, coping or just barely hanging on in your life right now?

What do you do when things seem to go haywire all at once in your life?

Have you ever had an experience where you felt that the rug had been pulled from under your feet, and you were really left reeling and wondering what to do next?

Don’t panic!

Our world is changing right before our eyes. Does this scare you? While it is normal to experience fear when things you know and take for granted seem to be crumbling right from under you, it is actually not productive, and will only make your experience of it worse. Here’s what you need to know to get through these tumultuous times of great uncertainty, at least as I see it.

Did you know that everything you desire is already available to you right now?

How’s that you ask? If it’s all right here why don’t I see it or have it?

It is available to you in the energetic realm of spirit in which everything originates. If you have a desire, but feel you have no resources to make it happen—call it in.

Remember the movie The Matrix? If you saw it then you’ll remember that some people were “asleep” in the matrix and others (Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, et. al.) were beginning to “wake up”. Those who were asleep thought they were actually living their lives, but in fact, they were trapped within the matrix, unaware that someone else was controlling their destiny. Are you awake?

Once upon a time I had a job I hated. I mean I loathed it. I was nearly in tears after only one day on the job, because it was so clearly not a good fit for me, and I thought I had no choice but to remain in such a difficult and unpleasant circumstance. I began to talk about how awful my job was. I told everybody how I just couldn't take it. Finally, I went to my spiritual advisor to seek some guidance around getting past this job.

Feeling The Pressure

Are you feeling the pressure? Are you living a life where things look good on the outside, but inside there is a gnawing unease or anxiety? This is actually normal, given our current society, but it doesn’t have to be your normal…