Are You Blocking Your Blessings?

Once upon a time I had a job I hated. I mean I loathed it. I was nearly in tears after only one day on the job, because it was so clearly not a good fit for me, and I thought I had no choice but to remain in such a difficult and unpleasant circumstance. I began to talk about how awful my job was. I told everybody how I just couldn't take it. Finally, I went to my spiritual advisor to seek some guidance around getting past this job. Well, as soon as I sat down in his office, I said, "I detest my job." His immediate response was to remind me, "whatever you resist persists, so the first task is to stop saying how much you hate it."

In essence, he told me, by your strong negative feeling to this circumstance you are creating a strong attachment to it, and you are also blocking the lesson or blessing that you need to get from that situation. As long as you are resistant, you will not be able to move out of it, because you are inhibiting the flow of energy around it and your growth. I was stunned. How could I be creating a bond with something I so desperately wanted to get away from? The great piece of guidance that he gave me was this, Relax and accept that you are in this situation for a reason. There is something to be gained; otherwise you would not have manifested it into your life. 

Acknowledge this fact and be receptive to the lesson, allow yourself to get what you need, get the lesson, and it will pass. No amount of pouting or complaining will remove the situation, only acceptance and openness will steer you through. After I was able to put this acceptance into practice, I not only gained a sense of peace and happiness in the job, but only a few months later I had a new, and much better employment opportunity.

How is this helpful to you now? If there is any area in your life where you are experiencing something you wish you weren't, and you find that your only means of expressing this wish, has been to complain and bemoan your situation, take note! You are only strengthening the bond between yourself and that which you don't want! You are in your own way, blocking the blessing, the lesson, and your next opportunity. Take note of your thoughts and language around how you express yourself. Catch yourself when you are speaking negatively about what you don't want, and simply acknowledge that something good resides within it. Here's a short affirmation to help you on your way:

All is well

I have everything I need

I trust that everything is unfolding according to divine purpose

I release my interference

I let it be.

 Repeat often throughout the day.

Living Life Consciously

Feeling The Pressure

Feeling The Pressure