Your pathway to your dream

What's your big why?


How long has your dream been in your heart?

You've set goals before? How many New Year's Resolutions have you made to start your own business, write your book, lose fill in the blank. You've been here before, and your heart still yearns to pursue and achieve your goals. I get it.

I've accomplished many big goals in my life, completing two graduate degrees, writing books, starting my business, and let me tell you I've had to face down fear and doubt every step. But I learned something important. A coach or a mentor is imperative! Maybe you're thinking, "of course, you would say that, you're a coach." True, BUT, I KNOW that my journey would have been a lot harder if I tried to do everything on my own. In fact, it's impossible.

Our own inner voices will prevent us from following through on the very thing we say we want the most. It's so close to our hearts that it scares us to death. It's human nature to fear the unknown. You have to have a guide to get you through the scary, unknown places. If I had not had great advisors, I would not be where I am today. No doubt. Shout out to my spiritual advisor...

Why Reinvent the Wheel?

Listen, I don't want to spend time convincing you of the value of working with a coach or accountability partner. I'd rather spend time supporting you if you've already come to the reality that you do indeed need support in manifesting your goals. I'd like to be able to hit the ground running with you, so that you get the results you want as soon as possible. Are you ready?

Let's have a conversation and see where you are. What's your burning desire? What's your big why that inspires and motivates you toward it, even though you may procrastinate?  How will you feel if you don't do it? I want to know about all of that.

If we're a good match, then we'll lay out a plan that allows you to feel empowered and on fire to get moving and keep moving until your goal is reached. There's no obligation. I know that even reaching out to talk about it can seem scary, but you've got to start. Something about your goal keeps you coming back to it, right? I like to work with women who know they have something more to contribute to the world. Is that you?

How We Will Work Together

You’ll choose your time and investment level, Pearl, Diamond or Sapphire

We’ll meet weekly by phone over a period of 6 weeks, 10 weeks or 6 months, and begin your personalized path re-introducing you to your life’s purpose. Depending on the timeframe you select, you can expect to begin your process or to go deeply into these outcomes:       

  • Learn my #1 secret on how to make necessary decisions quickly and in alignment with your highest truth

  • Finally take sustained action and begin creating a life you love!

  • Learn how to recognize opportunities all around you

  • Re-discover your still, small voice calling you toward your goals

  • Feel empowered, clear and on purpose

  • Identify fears and limiting beliefs that keep you from taking action

If you’re finally ready to do more than just dream about writing that book, starting your big project or living more authentically on your own terms, you can get there, and I’d love to talk with you about it.

Schedule your personal, complimentary call with me today!